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About this book

“Now is the time to find your own path toward healing, climb that ladder toward your version of success, and discover the life you are meant to live.”

Successful entrepreneur and author Shari Aldrich’s life was forever changed when she woke up one morning to her cosmic alarm clock—the sudden, insistent inner feeling of needing to act—telling her to run a marathon. That decision led to a series of successes that she’d never dreamed possible, culminating in owning a flourishing business and connecting with entrepreneurial leaders around the world.

Evocative and inspirational, Cosmic Alarm Clock unravels Aldrich’s profound journey, from experiencing soul-changing family deaths and a harrowing finger amputation to running races and developing a thriving business. Her story is filled to the brim with time-tested lessons that have been condensed into easy-to-follow steps she calls the Five Pillars for Life.

Expanded on through short but impactful snippets of Aldrich’s experiences, these Five Pillars illuminate a path forward for anyone looking to jumpstart their life and follow their true purpose and calling. By using the Pillars as a roadmap—and trusting that cosmic alarm clock when it rings—everyone can create the life they were meant to live.

About the Author

Shari Aldrich is a seasoned massage therapist, a visionary entrepreneur, and a mentor to massage professionals nationwide. As the founder of a successful massage school, Shari has transformed personal adversity into professional triumph. The loss of a finger not only reshaped her approach to massage therapy but also taught her the invaluable skill of elevating her business acumen to work on her business rather than in it.

Her journey is marked by resilience in the face of profound loss, having experienced the untimely deaths of two siblings, the sudden passing of her mother, and the loss of her father. These personal trials have imbued her with a deep empathy and understanding, which she brings into every aspect of her work and teachings.

Beyond her professional life, Shari is a devoted mother to two daughters, who proudly stand by her side in the family business. Her role as a grandmother to seven grandchildren adds yet anotherlayer of joy and fulfillment to her life, infusing her with a passion for nurturing growth, whether with family or her community of aspiring therapists.

In her writing and teaching, Shari draws on her experiences to guide others on a path to professional independence and personal healing. Her approach is holistic, heartfelt, and grounded in the belief that every individual has the capacity to overcome, evolve, and enrich the world with their unique gifts.

Learn more about her work at


“The ‘Cosmic Alarm Clock’ is a concept I love and often reference about either hitting snooze or answering it. Hint: there’s much more magic when we answer it and follow our heart. Shari’s story of seeming tragedy turned into triumph will help you realize how life happens ‘for us’ not to us.” - Yanik Silver, author of Evolved Enterprise and Founder of Maverick1000

The Cosmic Alarm Clock is a genuine wake-up call for all of us who hit life’s snooze button far too often. Shari Aldrich is a powerhouse of a human being with a story that is beyond inspirational. Rather than being crushed by a catastrophic personal setback, she used it as fuel to fire up her powerful engine, both personally and professionally. Reading this book made me feel as if I was sitting face to face with Shari, reading her eyes and feeling her emotions. The book doesn’t shame the reader into feeling like they aren’t doing enough. Rather it lets the reader know that ‘shit happens’ to everyone, and it’s always up to each of us to find the next path.” - Charlie Engle, author of Running Man

“A transformative masterpiece that speaks directly to the heart and soul, Shari Aldrich masterfully weaves her personal journey of tragic loss and how it lead her to tremendous gain. The insights in this book will guide readers to awaken their fullest potential. This book is a call to action to embrace your inner power and step into a life of extraordinary possibilities. Shari’s eloquent storytelling and how she leads you by example make this an inspiring and life-changing read. If you’re ready to elevate your life, this book can serve as a guiding light.” - Kyle Emanuel Brown, Lifestyle Architect,

“We can sleepwalk through life or wake up to our full potential when we dare to turn trials into triumphs, failures into fortune, and adversity into advantage. Shari Aldrich's The Cosmic Alarm Clock: Wake Up to Your Extraordinary Life is an inspiring and empowering guide to personal transformation with deeply personal insights and five practical pillars anyone can use right now to unlock their true potential for living a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy. No matter the circumstances or challenges you face right now, this powerful read is what you need to turn obstacles into opportunities and live your best life.” — Melinda Wittstock, Founder and CEO, Podopolo

“In The Cosmic Alarm Clock: Wake Up to Your Extraordinary Life, Shari Aldrich takes the premise to my prior book Adversitology: Overcoming Adversity When You’re Hanging on by a Thread” to a whole new level. The snooze button didn’t exist until 1956, and to Shari, it still doesn’t! She offers a compelling and deeply personal account on how to awaken the extraordinary life that awaits. Drawing on the unique challenges Shari has faced, this book introduces five foundational pillars for living a fulfilled and resilient life. It's an inspiring guide for anyone looking to transform obstacles into opportunities and unlock their true potential.” – Frank McKinney, Real Estate Artist and 9X best-selling author of Aspirational Thoughts • Inspirational Images

“I love this book more than I can express! It’s raw, it’s honest, it’s deep, and above all else it’s wildly inspiring. In The Cosmic Alarm Clock, Shari Aldrich offers a deeply personal account of her journey to becoming 'un-numb' and fully alive. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to break free from the limitations of fear and step into a life of passion, purpose, and aliveness.” – Patrick Combs, author of When You Are Bursting