"Lead Gen" versus Thought Leadership Books: What's the Difference?

I get asked a lot why we don't do "lead generation" books at WorldChangers Media. And, after a recent conversation with our client and my dear friend Alok Appadurai, I realized that my definition of "lead gen" books might be different from what most people imagine.

First of all, a top-quality thought leadership book is potentially the BEST lead generation tool in your arsenal because it puts your message at people's fingertips. A well-constructed book can convey authority like nothing else.

More, great thought leadership books follow the adage of "show, don't tell." Through compelling stories and actionable information, they SHOW readers that you are the perfect person to help them solve their problems or create their big dreams.

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Feeling pushed to publish? Read this

Okay, friends. I have something to say that goes a bit against the grain in my industry, and that is ...

Don't let someone talk you into writing your (nonfiction) book too soon.

Books are AMAZING. I know. And they can absolutely provide massive value to your brand and business when properly leveraged.

I'm talking 6+ figures in new contracts, massive visibility, and the ability to get in the room and on the stage with incredible #changemakers who will inevitably become your peers and friends.

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Bryna Haynes 0 Comments
The WorldChangers Media Authors' Bill of Rights

We consider the following to be inalienable rights ofauthors and creators, and commit to upholding these rights with, and for, every author we publish.

Right #1: The Right to Determine the Worth of Your Own Ideas

World-changing ideas don’t need to be vetted by a popularity contest. In fact, doing so is counter- productive. What matters most to us isn’t how many “likes” or followers you have, but your willingness to engage with your ideas in an evolutionary way and own their inherent worth within yourself.

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Bryna Haynes 0 Comments
No One Is Coming to “Discover” Your Book

I was pretty good, if I do say so myself.

In fact, I was making a living as a musician -- if living on ramen noodles and scraping spare change from between the seats of my car to pay for gas counts as a living -- and getting out there, little by little.

Back then, it was still possible to “be discovered” as an unknown artist.

My thinking? If it happened to Jewel, why shouldn’t it happen to me?

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Bryna Haynes 0 Comments
Why we use Print-on-Demand (POD)

I get asked a lot why we use Print-On-Demand (POD) platforms here at WorldChangers Media instead of a more traditional “print run” approach like other publishers.

This is a deliberate, proactive choice on our part. After examining the pros and cons of traditional systems versus Print-On-Demand, we decided that POD is the clear winner, and the all-around best option for us and our clients.

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Bryna Haynes 0 Comments